Graduation Semester and Year

Fall 2024



Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Computer Science


Computer Science and Engineering

First Advisor

Dr. Nicholas R. Gans

Second Advisor

Dr. Diego Patiño

Third Advisor

Dr. William Beksi


Our work investigates the use of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) for modeling complex dynamic systems. Understanding dynamic systems is essential for comprehending how physical and social interactions in real-world systems evolve over time and how they can be influenced or controlled. Conventional techniques often use differential equations and numerical methods, which are computationally expensive and demand detailed knowledge of the system’s physical behavior. GNNs provide an alternative by adopting a data-driven approach that learns directly from data, making them especially valuable for systems without closed-form solutions. This work aims to harness GNNs to predict and simulate dynamic behaviors in graph-based systems, including groups of people, animals, human-robot interactions, and vehicle traffic. We have enhanced an existing mass-spring simulation framework by incorporating more sophisticated dynamics, including varied node and edge characteristics like mass, spring constants, damping coefficients, and resting lengths, to more accurately model complex physical systems. To better isolate strengths, limitations and areas for improvement, we gradually increase the complexity of the system, introducing changes one at a time. We will present key results and observations from these enhanced simulations, underscoring the effectiveness of GNNs in capturing and simulating dynamic behaviors in complex systems.


Graph neural networks, Dynamic systems, Modeling physical systems, Graph interaction prediction, Trajectory prediction, Mass spring damper system, modeling Complex systems, Variational autoencoder


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