
Omid Asudeh

ORCID Identifier(s)


Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Computer Science


Computer Science and Engineering

First Advisor

Matthew Wright


Phishing attacks cause billions of dollars of loss every year worldwide. Among several solutions proposed for this type of attack, visual similarity detection methods have a good amount of accuracy. These methods exploit the fact that malicious pages mostly imitate some visual signals in the targeted websites. Visual similarity detection methods usually look for the imitations between the screen-shots of the web-pages and the image database of the most targeted websites. Despite their accuracy, the existing visual based approaches are not practical for the real-time purposes because of their image processing overhead. In this work, we use a pipeline framework in order to be reliable and fast at the same time. The goal of the framework is to quickly and confidently (without false negatives) rule out the bulk of the pages that are completely different with the database of targeted websites and to do more processing on the more similar pages. In our experiments, the very first module of the pipeline could rule out more than half of the test cases with zero false negatives. The mean and the median query time of each of the test cases is less than 5 milliseconds for the first module.


Real-time phishing detection, Phishing


Computer Sciences | Physical Sciences and Mathematics


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington (7169 kB)



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