Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Criminology and Criminal Justice


Criminology and Criminal Justice

First Advisor

Alejandro del Carmen


During the past 200 years animal welfare has been changing in a direction that is providing animals with a protection they have not always had. As society began to research the study of animal dynamics, there was a discovery on the importance in providing animals' moral consideration. Animal's societies have been created in order to provide protection the animals need and in order to seek sanctions for those who violate the laws and cause unnecessary pain and suffering to them. Animals have become a major part of business today, not only for the law abiding society members but for the criminal offenders who engage in animal crimes.There are several different animal crimes mentioned in the thesis and information on prior research disclosing the awareness of animal cruelty offenders to other crimes in our society. There is one detailed animal abuse case study provided that will verify the animalcruelty crime is combined with other crimes and it will demonstrate a consequence that can happen when an offender has targeted an animal victim. Furthermore, there are two laws suggested that will help to reduce suffering and provide a more humane world for the animals.


Criminology and Criminal Justice | Legal Studies | Social and Behavioral Sciences


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington
