Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Criminology and Criminal Justice


Criminology and Criminal Justice

First Advisor

Alejandro del Carmen


The purpose of this study is to discuss and use theoretical integration in an attempt to better explain criminal behavior. Data for this study was obtained through a random power sample of undergraduate college students enrolled in criminology and criminal justice classes. Respondents chose a criminal behavior from a typology of drug, property, or violent criminal acts, and then chose theories which could aid in the explanation of that criminal behavior. The respondents were also asked the same concerning self-reported criminal activity. Analysis of the data showed that theoretical integration was used, by the respondents, to explain drug-related crimes committed by a third person. Through this inductive process, the respondents, used the following theories to potentially better understand drug-related crimes: rational choice theory, hedonistic calculus, and differential opportunity theory. The author integrated these theories using Hirschi's up-and-down method. Furthermore, this study found that when explaining self-reported activity theoretical integration was not required. In this case, a single theory was used to explain property crimes, rational choice theory. Additional analysis was completed based on gender and major. This analysis included inductive theoretical integration, t-test, and the reporting of nominal data


Criminology and Criminal Justice | Legal Studies | Social and Behavioral Sciences


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington
