
Piyush Taneja

ORCID Identifier(s)


Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Civil Engineering


Civil Engineering

First Advisor

Sharareh Kermanshachi


In construction projects whether small or large scale, in the design and construction phases, contractors and owners face numerous reworks which finally leads to schedule delays and cost overruns. Although studying the causes of the rework has been of interest of many scholars and researchers, they have mainly focused on identifying the entity-based rework indicators. It is pivotal to identify the key project, organizational, and human factors that lead to the rework. Therefore, this study investigated, identified, and prioritized the human, organization, and project-based manageable indicators of rework. In addition, successful strategies which lead to overcoming rework challenges were evaluated. More than 112 previous research were reviewed to identify the leading rework indicators and rank them, based on their frequency of occurrence in the literature. Then, a survey was developed and distributed among experienced practitioners to identify the significant rework leading indicators and successful overcoming strategies. 44 case studies and response from 44 different industrial, infrastructure, and building projects were collected and analyzed. PM’s experience in the construction (6.06%) and design (5.68%) phase, and number of PM staff (5.87%) was evaluated as most weighted indicators. It was concluded that design related issues, a vague scope definition, and owner/client involvement issues are the project-based indicators; ineffective coordination and poor communication are the organizational-based rework indicators; and lack of experience and expertise, level of skill, and experience are the most critical human-based rework indicators. Concluded results were implemented in two construction projects. Reviewing this study will help practitioners identify the causes of rework early in the project to implement suggested best practices to reduce the number of rework cases and mitigate the consequences of rework undesired outcomes.


Construction rework indicators


Civil and Environmental Engineering | Civil Engineering | Engineering


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington (951 kB)



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