Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Civil Engineering


Civil Engineering

First Advisor

Mohammad Najafi


Anchored drilled shaft walls are common in construction nowadays in the U.S. The use of either strand tendons or steel bar tendons as anchors in construction is approved. However, there is no information from a construction standpoint, of what type of tendon fits better depending on the field conditions or the project requirements. Nor is there any study reflecting the construction process and sequence of this type of retaining wall depending on the type of tendon. This research will evaluate different consequences of the selection of the type of tendon. It will analyze the design aspects, construction scheduling, construction costs, and testing and instrumentation of anchored drilled shaft walls. Using a hypothetical anchored drilled shaft wall, this thesis will evaluate different sequences for the construction of these retaining walls. With information provided by a case study, an evaluation of the reliability of each type of tendon will be presented. Different instrumentation readings will be provided to show the performance of each different type of tendon. The results of this thesis show that strand anchors are, from a construction point of view, more cost and time efficient, and they have lower space limitations compared to steel bar anchors.


Civil and Environmental Engineering | Civil Engineering | Engineering


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington
