Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering


Civil Engineering

First Advisor

Sahadat Md Hossain


Many African cities are generating an ever-increasing amount of waste and the effectiveness of their solid waste collection and disposal systems is currently declining. Therefore, research has been striving to develop a sustainable and integrated solid waste management system that fits the current challenges facing the local environment. The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of improper solid waste management that affects the air and water quality of the near Koshe open dump site and around the Addis Ababa City, and their adverse effect on the public health living around them. The rapid increase of population in Addis Ababa, combined with a deficiency of resources to deliver basic facilities and urban services have led to a series of difficulties such as the increased generation of waste and improper solid waste management impacting the environment and the community health. With increasing population, the quantity of municipal solid waste generation in Addis Ababa city has been consistently rising over the years which were collected inefficiently, transported inadequately, and disposed unscientifically. The average annual collection of solid waste over the last ten years (2011-2020) was 1,976,033 cubic meter which was lower than the annual generation of solid waste of 2,511,076 cubic meter indicating that there was insufficient collection rate of solid waste in the city with 23% left uncollected waste. The composition of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is largely organic and plastic waste which together consists of 71.1%-83.9.5%. Organic waste in the city has shown an increasing trend from 65.9% to 74.29 % during the period 2017 to 2021 respectively. Similarly plastic wastes are also shown an increasing trend from 5.2% to 9.61% during the year 2017 to 2021 respectively. On the other hand, solid waste composition for glasses, paper and textile wastes are showing a declining trend during the year 2017 up to 2021. The ambient air quality of Addis Ababa city were collected by Aroqual series measurement and has been analyzed. The result showed that, the eight-month average fine PM2.5 emissions of Addis Ababa city was 56.6µg/m3 which is more than three times the standard set by WHO limit of 15µg/m3 but below the standard set by EEPA of 65µg/m3. Whereas the result of Koshe dump site showed PM 2.5 emissions of 204 µg/m3 which is more than thirteen times the standard set by the WHO limit of 15µg/m3 and more than three times the standard set by EEPA of 65µg/m3. PM2.5 concentration in Addis Ababa city average was found to be higher during Dry season (November 2022, December 2022 and January 2023 resulted in 98µg/m3 ,53µg/m3 and 79µg/m3 respectively). During the dry seasons the concentration of PM2.5 is relatively higher than the wet season due to lower average temperature, lower precipitation, and higher wind speed. Similarly, the trends of PM10 concentration in Koshe dump site during Summer/wet season (August 2022 and October 2022) were 156µg/m3 and 224µg/m3 respectively with lower results than the dry season.PM10 concentration of Koshe dump site during winter/dry season (November 2022, December 2022, and January 2023) were 587µg/m3, 393µg/m3 and 490µg/m3 respectively with very much higher results than wet season. This is because of lower average temperature, lower precipitation, and higher wind speed was recorded during dry season. Higher concentration of PM2.5/PM10 has negative impact on the communities living around Koshe open dump site. Moreover, the CO, SO2 and NO2 concentration of Koshe dump site during winter or dry season of the Months exceeded above the limit of WHO standard and below the limit of EPA standard. These may be due to the presence of Waste to Energy (or incineration) facility near the Koshe dumpsite. Water pollution near Koshe open dump site area and the downstream Little Akaki river of Addis Ababa city have been analyzed and the laboratory result for BOD, COD and TDS at the downstream of Akaki river during dry season were higher and exceeding the permissible limits of EEPA and WHO standards. The COD and BOD values of the wastewater after it was Mixed with the Akaki River (Lower stream) during August 2022 were 416mg/L and 97mg/L, respectively which were below the WHO Permissible limit of 500mg/L. After it was Mixed with the Akaki river (Lower stream) during August 2022, the TDS values of the wastewater were 800mg/L, above the recommended values of WHO Permissible limit of 500 mg/L. The reason is that high rainfall and water flow dilute the pollutants during the dry season, contributing to higher concentrations of TDS. The BOD values of the wastewater after it were Mixed with Akaki river (Lower stream) during the month of February 2023 were 139mg/L which were below the recommended values of WHO Permissible limit of 500 mg/L. The COD values of the wastewater after it were Mixed with Akaki river (Lower stream) during the month of February 2023 were 806mg/L which were above the recommended values of WHO Permissible limit of 500 mg/L. The higher value of COD implies a greater amount of oxidized organic material in the sample that reduces dissolved oxygen level and endangers the surface water bodies/river life. The TDS values of the wastewater after it were Mixed with Akaki river (Lower stream) during the month of February 2023 were 742mg/L which were found to be above the recommended values of WHO Permissible limit of 500 mg/L. The study further identified that the laboratory results of heavy metal concentration for Nickel, Mercury, Lead and Chromium at downstream of Akaki river during rainy season were exceeding the permissible limits of WHO standards. Moreover, the laboratory result for wastewater during the dry season indicated that heavy metal concentration of the Nickel, Mercury, Lead and Chromium after the Leachate is Mixed with Akaki water river were exceeding WHO permissible limit. The health prevalence of the community living around the Koshe open dump site has been analyzed during the study period considering the Alert Hospital as the case study area and Menelik Hospital as the control Hospital. Hence, out of the total patient card diagnosed in Alert Hospital and Menelik Hospital, the data analysis has shown that more patients in Alert Hospital were identified to have a more significant number of patients with solid waste-related diseases than in Menelik Hospital. The study has further identified air and water pollution-related diseases that were more aggravated in Alert Hospital, where solid waste-related diseases affect the communities living near the dump site. The unit cost of medication for solid waste related disease during wet season (August 2022) was 1.43 USD and 2.43 USD for Government pharmacy and private pharmacy respectively. Whereas the unit cost of medication for solid waste related disease during dry season (February 2023) was 75.13USD and 125.88USD for Government pharmacy and private pharmacy respectively. Hence, the unit cost of medication for solid waste related disease during dry season (February 2023) was found to be very much higher than the cost of medication for solid waste related disease during wet season (August 2023). The present study can be helpful for the government, municipalities, researchers, and policy makers as there are limited studies specific to the impact of improper solid waste management in Addis Ababa city.


Waste generation, Waste collection, Recycling, Composting, Koshe dumpsite


Civil and Environmental Engineering | Civil Engineering | Engineering


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington (9422 kB)



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