Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering



First Advisor

Michael Cho

Second Advisor

Edidiong Inyang


The standardized clinical use of photobiomodulation (PBM) across many applications has been obstructed due to the lack of understanding in how each of the parameters affect the end results. Although the optimal parameters for the therapy have been estimated with a level of uncertainty, the positive effects have been documented on cell differentiation, wound healing, brain modulation, etc. These positive effects observed by PBM have been attributed to the increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS), nitric oxide (NO), and ATP along other molecules generated by the stimulation of Cytochrome-C Oxidase (CCO). Although there is much uncertainty surrounding the coupling mechanisms in the therapy and how they are affected by each parameter, the therapeutic potential has been proven time and time again. Many studies have been published and validated to establish the efficacy of photostimulatory therapeutics. One of the more recently explored PBM applications has been focused on the brain, including photo-repair of traumatic brain injuries and also enhancing brain functionality. While it is in its early stage of development, translation to clinical settings would require a clear understanding of the PBM parameters. This study is designed to investigate how irradiance affects the outcomes of such potential therapy. We used rat neural stem cells to determine the extent of photostimulatory neurodifferentiation using an 810 nm laser. This study could lead us to optimization of the PBM parameters to facilitate and enhance neurodifferentiation in the brain.


Photobiomodulation, Neurodifferentiation, Irradiance


Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering | Engineering


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington (837 kB)



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