
Xiaoxiao Yu

Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting



First Advisor

Bin Srinidhi

Second Advisor

J Nandu Nagarajan


This study investigates whether and how different types of blockholders affect a firm’s textual disclosure quality. Using a hand-collected blockholder-firm panel sample from 2011 to 2016, I find that, on average, both the aggregate blockholder ownership and the total number of blockholders are negatively associated with the readability of firms’ 10-K reports, after controlling for the numerical quality of earnings. When blockholders are categorized into different groups based on their filing choices and their affiliations with management, I find that firms with greater number of unaffiliated 13D filers write more readable 10-K reports while firms with both greater number and greater ownership of affiliated 13D filers write less readable 10-K reports than firms with only passive blockholders (13G filers). I further categorize unaffiliated 13D filers into three groups with different levels of activism: management-focused blockholders, policy-focused blockholders, and information-focused blockholders. Unaffiliated 13D filers, who are perceived to be hostile to management (management-focused blockholders), elicit less readable 10-K reports. In contrast, unaffiliated 13D filers who are not perceived as threatening the incumbent management (information-focused blockholders) elicit more readable 10-K reports. These findings are consistent with managers responding in a strategic manner to perceived blockholder intentions.


Blockholders, Heterogeneity, Readability, Textual, Disclosure


Accounting | Business


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington (1486 kB)

Included in

Accounting Commons



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