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IntroductionAnaerobically our bodies generate energy using two different energy systems. The first energy system uses adenosine triphosphate and creatine phosphate. It supplies energy for no more than 6-8 seconds. Activities like jumping and running for short periods of time utilize this energy system. The short-term anaerobic system also produces high-powered energy. However, it is a little more enduring and can provide energy for up to 90 seconds. Runners in the 400m event use this energy system. Motivation has consistently been used as a variable to study performance. Some studies have shown no effects of external motivation on anaerobic test performance while others have shown positive effects . Research have utilized different means of motivation (punishment, rewards) and or changing the environments ( audience, music). Looking at sports, home teams consistently win a greater proportion of games played at home. The audience in the stadium can be the source of motivation for athletes to increase work output. While some previous research has revealed verbal encouragement to positively influence performance, while others indicate otherwise.


Kinesiology | Life Sciences

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Kinesiology Commons
