Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Master of City and Regional Planning


Urban and Public Affairs

First Advisor

Carl Grodach


The argument of race and segregation is an age-old debate. Nevertheless, in 2013 there are still segregated black and Hispanic neighborhoods experiencing high levels of poverty despite the Fair Housing Act, inclusionary housing practices, and other methods that strive to create mixed-income and mixed-race neighborhoods. Since segregation appears to be a phenomenon that eludes a simple explanation, this research offers to shed light on the subject matter and guide others researching the subject matter to help ascertain the root(s) of social disparities in minority neighborhoods. This report is an extensive review of 2007-2011 American Community Survey (ACS) data for Dallas County. In an effort to thoroughly investigate segregated neighborhoods, this report delves into neighborhoods that are 80% or more black, Hispanic, and white. Upon identifying the census tracts (or neighborhoods) that are predominantly one race, this report reviews social, economic, and housing characteristics compiled from 2007-2011 American Community Survey data to investigate the conditions of these segregated neighborhoods. This investigation tells a story about neighborhood makeup, what is going on, and how residents in these segregated neighborhoods live. A bivariate analysis is used to test the assumptions of socials disparities in these segregated neighborhoods while observing conditions in white neighborhoods for comparison. This review of predominant-race census tracts provides an eye-opening revelation on the correlation between social, economic, and housing characteristics as these variable datasets relate to race in Dallas County.


Public Affairs | Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration | Social and Behavioral Sciences


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington
