Yo Puedo Hacerlo! Diabetes Self-Management Education for Older Hispanic Women

Elizbeth Babalola

Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington


Diabetes is a chronic disease with considerable demographic disparities. The prevalence of type II diabetes (DMII) is considerably higher for Hispanics at 12.8% compared to 9.3% for the general population. Additionally, Hispanic women are significantly more likely than nonHispanic white women to experience co-morbidities including end-stage renal disease, cardiovascular disease, and death due to diabetes related complications. The purpose of this Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) scholarly project is to evaluate the outcomes of a culturallytailored diabetes education program in a group of Hispanic female patients 50 years and older that have been diagnosed with DMII. Guided by the Health Belief Model, this project consisted of four sessions intended to improve diabetes knowledge and self-management skills among participants. Two forms of data were collected. Results indicated significant increases (statistically and clinically) in self-assessment survey score gradient from baseline to final in surveys. Kruskal-Wallis (p < 0.000) is well above 95% Confidence. Summary of questionnaire responses shows a dramatic shift in responses indicating improvement in diabetes selfmanagement skills. A culturally-sensitive diabetes program has the potential of facilitating adaptation of cultural beliefs with traditional diabetes management, thereby promoting better outcomes and quality of life among a population of the underserved, low-literate, and financially limited population. The diabetes self-management project has demonstrated effectiveness in increased knowledge and behavior that will have a long-term effect on a healthy lifestyle and better disease outcomes among older Hispanic female. Keywords: Hispanic, women, type II diabetes, health belief model, self-management.