Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Industrial Engineering


Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering

First Advisor

Erick C Jones


Patient safety is an increasing concern in health care due to the fact the increasing number of medical errors. Most fatal medical errors happen in hospital operating rooms. This research proposes a unique approach that decreases medical errors in hospital operating rooms using an RFID-based technology to alert doctors and nurses when the wrong tool enters to the operating area, via text message.Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a portion of a new growth in the information era where items equipped with chips that can process data automatically will progressively become an essential part of everyday life. RFID permeates through many fields such as healthcare, warehouses, toll way systems, retailers, post services, security systems, tracking, supply chain management, library management, automobile industry and so on and so forth (Ayoade, 2007). This research focuses on healthcare systems, specifically operation rooms at the hospitals and provides an approach to increase the reliability of patients by using an RFID alerting system. By applying Design For Six Sigma (DFSSR) methodology this research proposes a unique approach that decreases medical errors in hospital operating rooms using an RFID-based technology to alert doctors and nurses when the wrong tool enters to the operating area.


Engineering | Operations Research, Systems Engineering and Industrial Engineering


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington
