
Hui-Chiao Jen

Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Engineering


Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering

First Advisor

Brian Huff


Teams of mobile autonomous robots have been proposed for the detection and clearing of landmines. Several competing strategies for automated mine detection have been proposed. This paper will discuss the development of a tool that will support the quantitative analysis of various automated mine detection approaches used in Humanitarian Demining and Military Mine Field Breaching. The approaches used to model mine detection in a scout, breaching, and Humanitarian Demining scenario using a discrete-event simulation analysis tool are discussed. The model assumes that each UGV is autonomous rather than being directly controlled by a centralized command and control system. The algorithm used to drive a single UGV along a simulated breach path is presented. An alternative algorithm set is also proposed for the control of a coordinated team of UGV's. The extension of the tool to support humanitarian mine clearing and the use of multiple waves of automated mine detectors are also presented. A simulation system constructed on the WITNESS® discrete-event simulation package will be shown. This paper simulates the motion of multiple robots through a mock minefield containing mines and obstacles that limit the motion of the autonomous vehicles.


Engineering | Operations Research, Systems Engineering and Industrial Engineering


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington
