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Modern buildings are increasingly reliant on artificial light to illuminate interior spaces, decreasing the importance of natural light in architectural design. However, the adverse effects of climate change, catalyzing blackouts and rising energy costs, have made this reliance a significant issue. This study aimed to analyze the benefits of daylighting in architectural design and its ability to improve buildings’ sustainability. To examine the impact of sunlight on the perception of a space, a light box study model was constructed, and the interior was photographed periodically from sunrise to sunset. This study highlighted the dynamic quality of sunlight, and its ability to express changes in time, season, and climate. Two case studies of innovative daylighting techniques were also examined to analyze the potential of designing with natural light. These studies demonstrated how by designing with natural light, architects can create impactful sustainable architecture.


Architectural History and Criticism | Environmental Design

Publication Date




Faculty Mentor of Honors Project

Sandra Espinoza


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.



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