Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies


Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

First Advisor

Ifeoma Amah


This phenomenological study examined significant factors that influenced the degree completion rates (i.e. graduation) of ten African American men who graduated from U.S. accredited 4-year Predominately White Institutions (PWIs) and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) between the 1960s and 2000s. Critical Race Theory in Education (Ladson-Billings & Tate, 1995) was the theoretical framework used for this study. The primary means of data collection was two semi-structured interviews to learn about the participants' personal, precollege, college and post college experiences, as well as their recommendations for improving postsecondary access and success for African American males. Themes that emerged from the data enabled the reaching of findings on significant factors that influenced these participants' college enrollment, persistence and degree completion. Study findings and recommendations for increasing the college enrollment and academic success of African American men include the need for : 1) colleges and universities to implement policies and practices that produce a welcoming environment for African American men, especially on PWI campuses, 2) parents and teachers' to nurture the postsecondary expectations of students as early as the elementary school, 3) vocational schools to be considered as a viable option for African American males who may not be on or interested in pursing a college education, 4) institutional hiring practices that promote an increased presence of African American staff, faculty, and administrators, and 5) mentoring programs that specifically target African American males beginning at the primary school level and continuing throughout college. This study also provides implications for research, policy, and practices intended to increase the postsecondary enrollment, retention and degree completion of African American men.


Education | Educational Leadership


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington
