A Teleoperation Framework for Robots Utilizing Control Barrier Functions in Virtual Reality

Aref Hebri
Sneh Acharya
Fillia Makedon


This paper describes a novel shared control teleoperation framework for mobile robots that utilizes Control Barrier Functions (CBFs) as filtering mechanism to prevent a human operator from making dangerous actions. The proposed framework demonstrates the potential to create a CBF controller that enables users with no prior knowledge of robotics to safely tele-navigate mobile robots with limited situational awareness. As formal methods, we utilize a hand-crafted CBF, which acts as a repulsive field to describe unsafe regions withing the robot’s vicinity. The implementation of the application was deemed possible by creating a Virtual Reality (VR) simulation in the Unity Engine with the SUMMIT-XL STEEL mobile base as an experimental platform. Preliminary experimental results show the ability of the framework to enable safe teleoperation.