Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Civil Engineering


Civil Engineering

First Advisor

Anand Puppala


Sulfate induced heave is a growing concern for civil engineering projects utilizing calcium based soil stabilizers. Therefore, addressing sulfate concentrations in soils is vital to the success of a civil engineering project. Pavement, foundations, tunnels, embankments, pipe lines, etc. are all susceptible to sulfate induced heave if the appropriate conditions and constituents are present. The work presented here within focuses on the soluble sulfate testing completed on six (6) different geologic formations within the Integrated Pipe Line (IPL) alignment of North Texas. The testing and analyses were conducted to identify problematic zones and quantify sulfate values in order to prevent damage to the pipeline due to sulfate induced volumetric expansion. By identifying problematic zones within the alignment, maintenance costs due to pipeline damage caused by sulfate induced heave can be reduced or prevented. In addition to testing, mapping of the soluble sulfate concentrations using Surfer 9 geostatistical software was implored in hopes to further identify and visualize sulfate concentrations along the alignment. Following the contour mapping, geostatistical validation was conducted to determine the validity of the contour map projections. Explanations of the interpretation of the test data and maps as well as recommendations are made. Due to the random manifestation of sulfates in the soil, all analyses and test results presented in this work are strictly dependent on the data set analyzed and further analysis of sulfate values can change the interpretation and results of the work presented.


Civil and Environmental Engineering | Civil Engineering | Engineering


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington
