Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Civil Engineering


Civil Engineering

First Advisor

Ali Abolmaali


Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe (PCCP) is a composite pipe that consists ofconcrete and steel, which has layers of concrete core, steel cylinder, prestressing wire andmortar coating. PCCP is generally constructed of two types; a steel cylinder lined with aconcrete core and a steel cylinder embedded in a concrete core. The former type is calledPCCP-Lined Cylinder Pipe (PCCP-LCP) and the latter type is called PCCP-Embedded CylinderPipe (PCCP-ECP). The scope of this paper is limited to PCCP-ECP.PCCP-ECP is a composite material with complex stress phenomenon due to prestressand interaction between different layers of components. A three dimensional non-linear finiteelement model is generated by using Abaqus version 6.12-2, a program that is well suited fornon-linear finite element modeling, to simulate the real pipe behavior. The PCCP-ECP ismodeled by considering the contribution of each components and manufacturing process. Thehexahedron mesh, which is popular for accuracy and convergence, is used to model thevelements. The simultaneous effect of shrinkage, creep, and relaxation are considered. Negativetemperature is applied to simulate the shrinkage and creep of concrete. Also, time dependentproperty is defined to simulate the relaxation of prestressing wire.Two full scale experiments, three edge bearing tests, were conducted to determine thereal ECP behavior. The three edge bearing test was also simulated by using three dimensionalnon-linear analysis on the modeled PCCP-ECP. The comparison of results obtained fromexperiment and finite element modeling is done, which shows good agreement between theresults. The PCCP-ECP model can be used for analysis for any loading case.


Civil and Environmental Engineering | Civil Engineering | Engineering


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington
