Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Urban Planning and Public Policy


Urban and Public Affairs

First Advisor

Ardeshir Anjomani


In Latin America, the rapid growth of large cities due to a rise of population along with increased urbanization has posed serious challenges in developing adequate infrastructure for mass transit. In these cities the demand for travel has risen sharply exceeding the supply. This case study intends to track the historical development of the City of Medellin, Colombia’s transportation system, to assess the success level of the system and how the unique concept of “social urbanism” that centered on inclusive regional mobility and accessibility was instrumental in the development of its transportation system. Medellín, a city of over 2.5 million within a metropolitan area of 4 million, is exceptional in that its transportation policies were designed, promoted, and enacted in a context of extreme violence in the 1980s due to the drug cartel of Pablo Escobar. The introduction of four aerial mass transportation systems known as “Metrocable” (aerial cable cars) are now serving to connect the informal areas of the more impoverished communes, along with a public transportation network consisting of “Metro” light rail, tram and bus-rapid-transit (BRT) system. These transportation strategies initiated a radical transformation and have helped develop a unique multimodal transportation system now serving the city. Beyond assessing the success of Medellin’s transportation system, this paper will also explore the challenges that Medellin faces moving forward through targeted interviews with politicians, planners and academics. It seeks to answer the questions of what have been the lessons learned during and after implementation of its transportation system as well as what can be learned from the success of other cities in Latin America.


Medellin, transportation


Public Affairs | Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration | Social and Behavioral Sciences


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington
