Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Master of City and Regional Planning


Urban and Public Affairs

First Advisor

Joel Goldsteen


This thesis reviews sustainable conservation development patterns of land use for potential adoption by Texas cities and counties. It will include a summary literature and professional reports' review, market analyses, and interviews for both existing conservation subdivisions as well as sustainable developments. This information will be balanced with a typical market analysis of future conservation and sustainable development within selected Texas cities and counties, with the intent of properly designating a future land use plan and subsequent zoning maps that can withstand challenges by developers with regard to economic feasibility. Various stakeholders of the development process will be interviewed to determine their assessment of potential sustainable conservation development, including developers, builders, designers, and municipalities. Furthermore, the thesis will include sustainable conservation design and development research of two case studies within Texas: a large urban city as well as an area located within county governance. The purpose of this investigation is to diagnose different sustainable conservation design scenarios, particularly as they pertain to municipal code, county code, and other applicable state laws and development regulations. The overall intent of this thesis is to provide recommendations to municipalities for integrating sustainable conservation developments into the development fabric of Texas.


Architecture | Urban, Community and Regional Planning


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington
