Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Urban Planning and Public Policy


City and Regional Planning

First Advisor

Ardeshir Anjomani


There are numerous urban problems that could not be addressed in single use development. Mixed use development as a new theory claims to have the solutions to the urban issues associated with single use development. However, mixed used developments have been criticized for also failing to address their purported claims. This research focuses on analyzing and evaluating the tenets of mixed-use development to determine whether claims of accommodating mixed-income residents, increased density, improved racial diversity, provision of affordable housing, and improved employment trends are achieved. In doing so, 632 single use Block Groups and 84 mixed-use development Block Groups that are located in majority of larger metropolitan areas of the US cities examined. The study employs a number of techniques including regression and other statistical analysis. The results were mixed. Density issues were not found to be different between single use areas and mixed use areas. On the other hand, affordability, employment and mixed-income issues were better accommodated in mixed use areas than in single use areas.


Architecture | Urban, Community and Regional Planning


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington



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