Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

First Advisor

Kenneth Reifsnider


Additive manufacturing (AM) revolutionized many industries, i.e., Automotive, Biomedical, Aerospace and Defense. As opposed to traditional manufacturing methods, a part is manufactured layer by layer from 3D CAD models in AM. Though the vision of AM is impressive, there are many challenges that are hindering the widespread use of these complex parts. One of the main challenges is its strength that varies with different manufacturing parameters. We are going to investigate the effect of build parameters on the mechanical, electrical and crystalline properties of the additively manufactured heterogeneous material system. The goal of the thesis is to find a correlation between the Mechanical (MTS), Di-Electric and Crystalline (XRD) properties of the 3D printed PLA at varying engineering parameters and find a way to improve these properties by changing the manufacturing parameters.


Additive manufacturing, Dielectrics, XRD, Crystallinity, Composites, Mechanical testing, PLA


Aerospace Engineering | Engineering | Mechanical Engineering


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington (2513 kB)



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