Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

First Advisor

Robert M Taylor


Additive Manufacturing is playing a significant role in developing complex geometries which are not possible by conventional Manufacturing Processes. Topology optimization is playing key a role in deciding conceptual design for additive manufacturing. The output of topology optimization is rough and noisy surfaces. Fitting these surfaces poses challenging task to a designer as it is a tedious and a time-consuming process. The main aim of this research is to automate the process of smoothing noisy meshes. In this research work, I have developed algorithms in MATLAB to create NURBS (Non-Uniform B-Spline) surface patches from given a set of control points. NURBS is a powerful tool in geometric modeling with flexibility. Different types of NURBS Surfaces are discussed along with examples. Each type has its usage. STEP standard has been used for geometry data exchange between MATAB and CAD Software. The algorithm to export NURBS into STEP file has been developed to support data exchange.


NURBS, MATLAB, Topology Optimization, Additive manufacturing


Aerospace Engineering | Engineering | Mechanical Engineering


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington (4095 kB)



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