
M. E. Lord

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Technical Report 139


A nonlinear variation of constants method was introduced by Alekseev [1] and applications of this formula to questions of stability and asymptotic equivalence of differential systems was demonstrated by Brauer [2,3,4]. In [6] a different approach to the nonlinear variation of constants method is given. This new approach involves determining the solution of the perturbed system by variation of the starting vector in the unperturbed system. Conceptually this is the method used in obtaining the classical variation of constants formula for perturbations of linear systems. In [6] the method yields two different formulas, one of which is equivalent to the Alekseev formula under the hypothesis which guarantees the Alekseev representation. Also, in [6] some applications to stability and asymptotic equilibrium are given. The approach introduced in [6] was shown to be applicable for the study of integral and integro-differential systems in [7] and for the study of difference equations in [8]. In this paper some further applications of the nonlinear variation of constants result of [6] are obtained for differential equations. The result on asymptotic equivalence is related to that given by Brauer [3] and is shown to complement those results.


Mathematics | Physical Sciences and Mathematics

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Mathematics Commons



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