Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics



First Advisor



This dissertation describes the phonology and morphology of Northern Pame, an Otomanguean language of Central Mexico. Furthermore, it explains the grammatical relationship of these domains from an Optimality Theoretic perspective. In terms of description, Northern Pame has a complex phonological inventory of 40 consonants, which distinguish among glottalized, aspirated, voiceless and voiced segments, as well as 6 vowels, which contrast for nasalization. In addition, a claim is made for two Northern Pame tones, in contrast to earlier suggestions of a three-tone system (Avelino 1997). Regarding Otomanguean laryngeally complex vowels (Silverman 1997b, Herrera 2000), this research provides phonological, as well as laryngealscopic evidence for the segmental, rather than a unit, interpretation in Northern Pame. Northern Pame allows for complex syllable margins, but these are severely constrained by the OCP. Syllable complex nuclei are completely forbidden, and epenthesis (*DEP) is the common strategy to resolve potential nuclei problems. Northern Pame is morphologically complex, marking nouns for class, possession, number including dual and plural, and association. Verbs fall into two classes, each of which is sub-divided based on transitivity. Verbs and nouns share the same suffix morphology for number. Northern Pame morphophonemics encompass processes that affect place or precedence (metathesis, palatalization), laryngealization and syllable well-formedness. Under such underlying circumstances, the constraints UNIFORMITY-IO and LINEARITY-IO are the common minimal violations.


Language, Literature and linguistics, Grammar, Mexico, Northern Pame, Optimality, Otomanguean, Phonology


Linguistics | Social and Behavioral Sciences


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington

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Linguistics Commons
