
Nancy Ofoegbu

Document Type



Six women (W; age 20.8 ±1.46 yrs.) of the UTA Kinesiology department, volunteered to participate in this study. Each subject was asked to consume either Five-Hour Energy or a control (Splenda mixed with water) and perform a maximal exercise test on the treadmill with increasing speed and elevation until exhaustion. The maximal exercise test was conducted as follows: A heart rate monitor was attached to the chest of the participant upon arrival to the lab. This was to allow measurement of heart rate. This signal was sent to a watch and the heart rate was read from there. The subject would then stand on the treadmill while the headgear is fitted to their head in order to hold the mouthpiece in place. A mouthpiece was used along with a nose clip to ensure that exhaled air could be collected in the metabolic cart during the exercise. This allowed the calculation of the participant’s oxygen consumption (VO2max), a measure of aerobic fitness. Rate of perceived exertion was taken during each workload with ratings from 6 (rest) to 20 (maximal exercise). The treadmill increased speed and elevation every three minutes until the subject could go no further. Because of the mouthpiece, the participant had to communicate with hand signals. A “thumbs up” indicated continuing to exercise, a “waggle” of the hand, palm down, indicated not much longer.


Kinesiology | Life Sciences

Publication Date


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Kinesiology Commons
