
KreShun Neal

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Introduction: Monitoring exercise intensity during an exercise bout is important to provide feedback. Monitoring heart rate, blood lactate, and rate of perceived exertion provide useful information that give feedback to the exerciser. Research has suggested that rate of perceived exertion is more of an appropriate measure of exercise intensity than individual physiological variables and that RPE can be correlated with other physiological measures such as heart rate and blood lactate. With the pain scale (VAS) research has shown that it tends to restrict the rating behavior into a linear regression whereas the RPE has an incremental curve because it is able to discriminate between the most extreme and maximal intensities. METHODS: Five women (W; age 23.2 +2.86 yrs) and five men (M; age 23.6 +2.07 yrs), who were moderately physically fit, volunteered to participate in this study. Each subject had their height, weight, resting heart rate, and resting blood lactate taken prior to the test. After the subjects sat down at the arm ergometer and began moving their arms. the machine was set to a hill profile setting at a level 12 for the men and a level 8 for the women. It was set for 10 minutes and the exercise began. Every 2 minutes during the test each subject’s heart rate, rate of perceived exertion and pain level score were recorded. At the end of the 10 minutes the subjects stopped moving their arms and their blood lactate was taken again. The RPE was assessed by using a Borg 6-20 category scale and the Visual analog scale was assessed using a 0-10 cm category pain scale. RESULTS: The height calculated was 68.4 ±5.7 (M) and 64.6 ±1.67 (W) which showed that the subjects were similar in height (p = 0.15). For weight 168 ±19.3 (M) and 151.4 ±26.6 (W) there was also no significant difference (p = 0.22). For the pre BLa (M: 5.46 ±2.5; W: 3.08 ±0.9) and post BLa (M: 13.12 ±5.2; W: 10.26 ±2.1) there were no significant differences (p = 0.15). The VAS (M: 10.8 ±5.54; W: 5.8 ±1.64) was not significant (p = 0.07) nor was the HR (M: 159.4 ±19.37 bpm; W: 168.6 ±21.9 bpm) significantly different (p = 0.30). The RPE (M: 16.4 ±5.13; M: 15.8 ±3.03) values showed a similar result (p = 0.14). Conclusion: The results of this study indicated that there was no difference among moderately physically fit men and women when it comes to HR, RPE, VAS, and BLa. This was an unexpected finding as men generally have more muscle mass, however, the similarity in height and weight may have been a factor.


Kinesiology | Life Sciences

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