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Static stretching is a primary component in the warmup routine of athletes (Beckettetal.2009). It consists of stretching the muscles while at rest for about 30 seconds. This type of stretching is believed to aid in athletic performance and decrease the risk of injury and muscle soreness (Beckettetal.2009). Athletes warm-up with stretching to prepare them in their training or competition, believing that these routines will help them in their performance (Fletcheretal.2007). Research has shown a decrease in muscular performance with static stretching being a part of the warm-up routine (Fletcheretal.2007). Six women (W;age23.3+1.21yrs) and nine men (M;age24.4+2.74yrs), participating in this study. Subjects were divided into three groups of five labeled group A, B, and C. The test was completed indoors on a basketball court. Each subject had their scores compared to their own sprint times in three different situations, which included them doing a set of dynamic and static stretches and then a control series. Across conditions, the Static, Dynamic, and Control stretching had no significant difference. (Static: mean=3.07;Dynamic:mean=3.09;Control:mean=3.1) Repeated Measures results indicated no effect for Run Time, Static: F=.381,p>.05,SD=.442,df=2; Dynamic: F=.246,p>.05,SD=.384,df=2; Control: F=.599,p>.05,SD=.585,df=2. Even if order was considered (1:static, dynamic, control; 2:dynamic, static, control; 3:control, dynamic static), the data showed no significant difference. The study found that when compared to their own sprinting times after a completion of static, dynamic or no prior stretches, there were no significant differences in the final times.


Kinesiology | Life Sciences

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