This collection of charts, taken from atlases produced by Johann Doppelmayr and Andreas Cellarius, show a progression of scientific thought on Earth’s place in the universe was. Each of the five charts can be used to understand one or more of the three major models of the universe in use during the late medieval/early modern period (the Ptolemaic, Copernican, and Tychonic models). Each model could, at one time, be accurately explained and accepted as the truth, and all three sought to help educate the general populace on how the Earth and other celestial bodies interacted with each other.

Motus Planetarium Superiorium

Motus Planetarium Superiorium

Phaenomena Copernicus

Phaenomena Copernicus

Orbium Planeterum Terrram Complectentium Scenographia

Orbium Planeterum Terrram Complectentium Scenographia

Planespherium Brahevm

Planespherium Brahevm

Hypthosesis Ptolemaica Sive Communis Planetarum Motus Per Eccentricos et Epicyclos Demonstrans

Hypthosesis Ptolemaica Sive Communis Planetarum Motus Per Eccentricos et Epicyclos Demonstrans