All the charts in this collection are important, based on their depictions of observations on a solar scale. They share the same two creators, Johann Baptist Homann and Johann Gabriel Doppelmayr, who collaborated to bring their theories to paper. Each chart has its own focus point such as eclipses or comets while others add an astrological theory of the skies based on star charting. The charts also contain trajectory lines of theorizing how comets, moon, and the sun are positioned in flight or during an eclipse.

Theoria Eclipsium

Theoria Eclipsium

Motus Cometarium in Hemispaerio Boreali

Motus Cometarium in Hemispaerio Boreali

Theoria Cometarum

Theoria Cometarum

Motus Cometarium in Hemisphaerio Australi

Motus Cometarium in Hemisphaerio Australi

Systema Solare et Planetarium

Systema Solare et Planetarium