Graduation Semester and Year
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science in Earth and Environmental Science
Earth and Environmental Sciences
First Advisor
John Wickham
Second Advisor
William J Moulton
Geologic mapping and subsurface imaging around salt has remained difficult. Seismic imaging is difficult near salt due to the large velocity contrasts between salt and the surrounding rocks, the steeply dipping salt and sediment interface, and the presence of pinching beds on the flanks of the dome; but when combined with well control from previously drilled wells on top and on the flanks of a salt dome, a more complete profile of the subsurface structure becomes possible. Previous work has produced models of salt dome formation and the surrounding structural deformation, and when compared to seismic data, show a good correlation. In this study, well log and seismic data from the Blue Ridge Salt Dome in Fort Bend County, Texas will be used to generate a structural profile. The comparison from this structure profile produced from field data to previously modeled dome centered deformation will also be made. By creating this structural profile in conjunction with previous works, this study will test previous models of salt dome evolution as compared to the Blue Ridge Salt Dome.
Geology, Structure, Salt dome, Seismic
Earth Sciences | Physical Sciences and Mathematics
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Bonner, Mason Phillip, "Mapping Structural Deformation Associated with the Formation of the Blue Ridge Salt Dome" (2017). Earth & Environmental Sciences Theses. 184.
Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington