SEED 2011 Architecture

Angel Alcala
Antonia Avina
Markel Briggs
Ernesto Carapia
Stephanie Coria
Ericka Cruz
Jasmine Flowers
Carter Fraser
Gabriel Gomez
Claudia Hernandez
Eduardo Hernandez
Katherine Hernandez
Juan Juarez
Jessica Leon
Virgilio Martinez
Nicholas McDowell
Juan Mendoza
Chloe Moorcraft
Jose Oviedo
Jonathan Perales
Oscar Ramirez
Christian Rodriguez
Erica Rodriguez
Victor Sanchez
John Wright
Rebecca Boles
Dennis Chiessa
Jeff Whatley
Leslie Rios
Travis Tabak

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Seed: Strategies, Events, Episodes + Devices, offered by The University of Texas at Arlington School of Architecture and supported by AIA Dallas and AIA Fort Worth. SEED is a program designed to encourage talented high school students to consider architecture as a future course of study. High performing students from the Dallas Fort Worth metroplex were nominated by their teachers to participate in a two-week summer camp led by School of Architecture faculty. Twenty-five students were nominated by their high schools to attend SEED 2011: Strategies, Events, Episodes + Devices. The week long session was held at the University of Texas at Arlington School of Architecture. 2011 was the sixth year of SEED on the UT Arlington campus and the third year the School of Architecture has hosted its own program for the benefit of students who want to learn more about architecture in an informal summer camp. Explorations in construction and drawing emerged from the use of approximately 2000 cardboard boxes and gallons of red paint. Through the use of modular boxes in installations throughout the School, the students learned about the creative potential of walls. Surface properties such as texture, coursing, and fenestration were applied to full-scale assemblies. Lessons in the use of walls to define space were applied in the final exhibition; the creation of interior and exterior rooms punctuated by towers and suspended sculptures.