Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Social Work


Social Work

First Advisor

Katherine Sanchez

Second Advisor

Diane Mitschke


Due to stigma, low mental health knowledge, and cultural beliefs a significant number of Latinos do not seek treatment for depression. Interventions and treatment methods that are culturally adapted and consider the patient's cultural perspective are minimal due to the lack of bilingual mental health providers. Using secondary data, this study reviewed a quantitative research study conducted at a community health center. The study conducted by Dr. Sanchez at a community health clinic, utilized a culturally adapted fotonovela as a depression education intervention (DEI) for Latinos diagnosed with depression. The purpose of this review was to analyze the effectiveness of the fotonovela at baseline and post intervention as measured by the Depression Knowledge Measure (DKM) and the Latino Stigma for Antidepressant Scale (LSAS). Analysis of the data revealed participants lacked knowledge and had uneasiness about taking antidepressants. Results concluded that psychoeducation and culturally adapted interventions/treatments could lead to Latinos improving their knowledge of depression and seeking treatment.


Latinos, Depression, Treatment, Cultural awareness, Culturally adapted intervention


Social and Behavioral Sciences | Social Work


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington (606 kB)

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Social Work Commons



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